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Notes on Sikma

Rob's Jacket
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Notes on Sikma Empty Notes on Sikma

Post by cjpilot Mon Dec 03, 2007 1:36 pm

I was checking out espn.com the other day and i came across this article about the most exciting freshman from outside the BCS conferences. Good to see Sikma getting some recognition for his game.


Its somewhere near the bottom of the article.


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Registration date : 2007-12-03

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Notes on Sikma Empty Re: Notes on Sikma

Post by Rob's Jacket Mon Dec 03, 2007 2:00 pm

Nice! Can anyone remember a time when UP had a freshman recognized by ESPN? What a find Sikma was . . .

Rob's Jacket
Rob's Jacket

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Notes on Sikma Empty Re: Notes on Sikma

Post by PilotNut Mon Dec 03, 2007 3:48 pm

Nice new avatar, Dionnfan. Smile

And no, I cannot recall any.

Run 'Em Aground Pilots!

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Notes on Sikma Empty Re: Notes on Sikma

Post by Rob's Jacket Mon Dec 03, 2007 5:06 pm

Well . . . given the choice between working on a paper and doing a Google image search for "Portland Pilots" basketball, it was a pretty easy decision to make. I was torn between this and a picture of Greg Klosterman from the Villanova tourney game, but I decided on the happier memory. The goal here is to eventually replace "Lions" with "Bulldogs." Smile

Sikma needs a chant. Let's make this happen.

Rob's Jacket
Rob's Jacket

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Notes on Sikma Empty Re: Notes on Sikma

Post by Stonehouse Tue Dec 04, 2007 10:30 am

Ah! I need to see this picture of Greg Klosterman! Google image search here I come...

As for Sikma... our boy is currently LEADING the WCC in rebounding right now with 10.2 boards a game, the only player averaging only double-digits.

He is also third in FG% (60%), ninth in assists (3pg), sixth in steals (1.75), and sixth in blocks (1.25pg). According to my unofficial tally, he's the only player to be in the top ten in all five categories. Actually, he's the only one that's in the top ten in four of those categories as well. Clearly, he's got an awesome all-around game. Now about getting him more shots...

You can see all the stats here:

Draft Pick
Draft Pick

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Notes on Sikma Empty Re: Notes on Sikma

Post by martymoose Wed Dec 05, 2007 11:27 am

Sikma was fun to watch during the PSU/UP game. He had like 9 boards at the half.

I see a lot of double/double in his future.

Number of posts : 49
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Notes on Sikma Empty Re: Notes on Sikma

Post by aleppiek Wed Dec 05, 2007 12:00 pm

Even more impressive to me was his 3 pointer in the 1st half, great looking stroke. If he can develop a consistent 3 pt shot he may have some great opportunities beyond the bluff.

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