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ECNL Top Scorers

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ECNL Top Scorers Empty ECNL Top Scorers

Post by My2cents Fri Dec 14, 2012 2:04 pm

Noticed this on Top Drawer. Impressive 28 goals for Danica Evans, a 2013 recruit. Lead all age groups in being the top scorer. Before you get carried away with praises though, 18 of her goals happened in 3 games. All one sided victories where she scored six goals in each of the games where the final scores were 15, 17, and 18. Why would a coach allow his team to score that many goals against an obviously inferior team? By the way another future recruit, Kaycie Young 2014, was listed in the U-17 age group with her 8 goals.



Number of posts : 69
Registration date : 2012-08-23

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ECNL Top Scorers Empty Re: ECNL Top Scorers

Post by Geezaldinho Fri Dec 14, 2012 2:52 pm

I can see the discussion with her coach...

Danica, I know your parents spent two grand to bring you to this elite tournament, but you have to back off a bit.. Either you stop scoring or I'm going to have to sit you."

ECNL does stand for Elite Clubs National League. They bill themselves as the best in the country. They even think they will be the new standard beyond ODP.

From their rule book:

The Elite Clubs National League (“ECNL”) is a player development platform for elite female youth soccer players in the United States, consisting of both a national competition program and an elite player identification program.

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Registration date : 2007-04-28

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