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College Football Time

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College Football Time - Page 4 Empty Re: College Football Time

Post by PilotNut Wed Jan 16, 2013 4:14 pm

This is one of the most bizarre things I have read in quite some time... I don't believe for one second that he was not in on it. It's really sad.

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College Football Time - Page 4 Empty Re: College Football Time

Post by Geezaldinho Wed Jan 16, 2013 4:38 pm

PilotNut wrote:This is one of the most bizarre things I have read in quite some time... I don't believe for one second that he was not in on it. It's really sad.

I dont believe for a second you are a nut, and you don't believe for a second I have a BarcaLounger and limitless Pliny.

What is the prob?
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College Football Time - Page 4 Empty Re: College Football Time

Post by DoubleDipper Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:15 pm

PurpleGeezer wrote: I dont believe for a second you are a nut, and you don't believe for a second I have a BarcaLounger and limitless Pliny.

What is the prob?
Aw jeez, does that meen we ALL have to come clean?

College Football Time - Page 4 Aw_jee11
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College Football Time - Page 4 Empty Re: College Football Time

Post by Geezaldinho Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:20 pm

I don't believe for a second you were an F15 fighter pilot, either geek
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College Football Time - Page 4 Empty Re: College Football Time

Post by DoubleDipper Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:37 pm

PurpleGeezer wrote:I don't believe for a second you were an F15 fighter pilot, either geek
Ha ha, but would you believe the F-15E!!? There's a difference baby!

College Football Time - Page 4 F-15e-10
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College Football Time - Page 4 Empty Re: College Football Time

Post by DoubleDipper Thu Jan 17, 2013 9:43 am

I've heard it said, "I don't what's the bigger hoax, Manti Te'o's relationship or the fact that Notre Dame was ranked #1."

And, "Manti Te'o just changed his Facebook status to "it's conflicted"."
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College Football Time - Page 4 Empty Re: College Football Time

Post by Geezaldinho Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:14 am

DoubleDipper wrote:
PurpleGeezer wrote:I don't believe for a second you were an F15 fighter pilot, either geek
Ha ha, but would you believe the F-15E!!? There's a difference baby!

College Football Time - Page 4 F-15e-10

Not exactly stealthy, were they..

Last edited by PurpleGeezer on Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:20 am; edited 1 time in total
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College Football Time - Page 4 Empty Re: College Football Time

Post by Geezaldinho Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:18 am

@HeismanPundit: Jim Rome asked Te'o about his GF: "What was she like?" Te'o: "I can't describe her
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College Football Time - Page 4 Empty Re: College Football Time

Post by blacksheep Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:23 am

College Football Time - Page 4 39809610

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College Football Time - Page 4 Empty Re: College Football Time

Post by DoubleDipper Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:39 am

PurpleGeezer wrote:Not exactly stealthy, were they..
Um, yea, like ZERO stealthiness, and yet the F-15E Strike Eagle is still really our front line aircraft for air superiority, interdiction, and close air support. There is one "Silent Eagle" stealthy aircraft, I believe, but it is purely a test-bed aircraft at this time and will probably be sold overseas if it sells at all.

The F-22 has the potential to be far superior, but it's still flawed to some degree, and of course the F-35 is a "tweener" in my estimation, but will be formidable if it actually gets built in any numbers.

But this is probably a subject better suited for the T-Room……

In this sports forum it’s probably one thing to post pictures of cheerleaders, and a whole other thing to talk about war fighting capabilities. Twisted Evil
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College Football Time - Page 4 Empty Re: College Football Time

Post by pilotram Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:55 am

I thought drones were the new hotness?

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College Football Time - Page 4 Empty Re: College Football Time

Post by Geezaldinho Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:18 am

DoubleDipper wrote:

In this sports forum it’s probably one thing to post pictures of cheerleaders, and a whole other thing to talk about war fighting capabilities. Twisted Evil

Yeah, 'cause the #1 priority here is staying on topic.
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College Football Time - Page 4 Empty Re: College Football Time

Post by Guest Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:31 pm

Well, the F-35B looks like it lands pretty softly: F-35B Trials


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College Football Time - Page 4 Empty Re: College Football Time

Post by DoubleDipper Fri Feb 01, 2013 11:57 pm

up7587 wrote:Well, the F-35B looks like it lands pretty softly: F-35B Trials
Ha ha, yea I guess landing is important, but just not a first priority for the average fighter pilot
DoubleDipper wrote:
PurpleGeezer wrote:
DoubleDipper wrote:We all come from different backgrounds and experiences, but if there is one code that bonds most old military guys, it’s that we’ll never dishonor or embarrass our fellow fighters/teammates unless there was a moral imperative.
Agreed and approved!

I can only think of twice, offhand, and both were in Vietnam.....so yea, "unless there was a moral imperative."
RE: the moral imperative....my last F-15E flights were in Desert Shield/Storm in '90-'91, but the pilots in combat in Afghanistan today are faced with the same sort of decisions all of us had to make every day...kill the enemy, but do your damndest to spare the civilians.

The colonel flying Martha around in the back seat of his F-15E was a lieutenant when I knew him 23 years ago....sigh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1E3sDKbETw

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