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O's Catching Up with Linus Rhode

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O's Catching Up with Linus Rhode Empty O's Catching Up with Linus Rhode

Post by Guest Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:28 pm

A worthwhile look at OSU soccer for the dedicated: http://www.oregonlive.com/beavers/index.ssf/2012/08/offseason_at_oregon_state_catc.html

Here is a quote:
Q: This is kind of a soccer crazy state, what’s it been like to watch your program grow within that?

A: It’s been fun. It’s a soccer state, like you said. It’s been fun to watch the program develop and the excitement about our program increase and to see the rivalry between us and University of Portland become more of a rivalry. It just makes it more exciting for everybody. For me it’s a bonus to have another program there that’s fighting not only the top players in the state, but fighting for the ability to say, "Hey, we’re the best."


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O's Catching Up with Linus Rhode Empty Re: O's Catching Up with Linus Rhode

Post by Geezaldinho Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:48 pm

I still liked him better when he wore Purple.
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