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Must Watch: Kendall Johnson TV ad

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Must Watch: Kendall Johnson TV ad Empty Must Watch: Kendall Johnson TV ad

Post by Stonehouse Fri Jul 20, 2012 2:47 pm

Check it out... this will be airing on KGW during the Olympics:

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Must Watch: Kendall Johnson TV ad Empty Re: Must Watch: Kendall Johnson TV ad

Post by Stonehouse Fri Jul 20, 2012 2:56 pm

Here's one of XC/Track star Jared Bassett:

Ads featuring Sarah Bridges (WSOC) and Steven Evans (MSOC) will be coming out next week!
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Must Watch: Kendall Johnson TV ad Empty Re: Must Watch: Kendall Johnson TV ad

Post by purple passion Fri Jul 20, 2012 5:31 pm

Both ads are well done and I am extremely happy to see Kendall looking like no injuries are bothering her.

Thanks for the post Stonehouse.
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Must Watch: Kendall Johnson TV ad Empty Re: Must Watch: Kendall Johnson TV ad

Post by Geezaldinho Fri Jul 20, 2012 5:48 pm

purple passion wrote:Both ads are well done and I am extremely happy to see Kendall looking like no injuries are bothering her.

Thanks for the post Stonehouse.

Yeah, I've watched her a couple times this Spring and it looks like she is fine- better than ever, really.

Just for you Portland area folks, I also saw Courtney Verloo an the field. Glad to see she is on her way back as well.
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