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UNC recruit goes pro

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UNC recruit goes pro Empty UNC recruit goes pro

Post by Geezaldinho Sun Jul 15, 2012 4:19 pm

Just saw this on a tweet from Chris Henderson AWK

I think this is a first for women's soccer.

Horan Signs with PSG

Last Updated on Sunday, 15 July 2012 17:06

2012 07.16 – Lindsey Horan signs a professional contract with Paris Saint-Germain. Today an unprecedented signing took place in Paris, France at the world re-known football power, Paris St-Germain. Just turned 18 year old Horan signed a six figure agreement and will fore-go a four year full ride scholarship at Univ. of North Carolina. PSG finished fourth in the French League One and with their new coaching assignment are making a push to win Champions League and, of course, first place in league. Linda Horan, Lindsey’s mother, smiles, “I am happy with her decision. The club (PSG) is going to pay for her schooling and that is important to me. In addition, Lindsey, her father and I agreed to put additional money from her contract into future education. I am comfortable.”

Erik Bushey the Technical Director of Colorado Rush, “Amazing. I am elated for her. This has been a dream of hers since I can remember. Her hard work has paid off. She is deserved. By her taking a path that is less traveled, she has opened a door for others to follow. She is a good role model for our younger Rush players with the same aspirations.”

Lindsey will be returning home to participate in a WU20 National Team camp, July 15-23 in Florida and again for the U20 World Cup in Japan in Late August and early Sept of this Fall. In efforts to win a world championship, PSG has happily agreed to grant leave for the first part of the French League season.

I wonder what that last part was about. FIFA obligates teams to release players for World Cup and other international tournaments.
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UNC recruit goes pro Empty Re: UNC recruit goes pro

Post by DoubleDipper Sun Jul 15, 2012 5:26 pm

PurpleGeezer wrote:I wonder what that last part was about. FIFA obligates teams to release players for World Cup and other international tournaments.
Well yes, but PSG has HAPPILY agreed to this.

Congratulations to Lindsey.

UNC recruit goes pro Lindse10
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