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Roger O. Doyle - RIP

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Roger O. Doyle - RIP Empty Roger O. Doyle - RIP

Post by DoubleDipper Wed May 02, 2012 3:25 pm

University of Portland mourns loss of beloved music professor Roger Doyle

Man, I loved this guy.

What a teacher.

His energy and influence are irreplaceable!

Link to his obit: http://up.edu/shownews.aspx?id=4582

Roger O. Doyle - RIP Roger_10
Pilot Nation Legend
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Roger O. Doyle - RIP Empty Re: Roger O. Doyle - RIP

Post by PurplePrideTrumpet Wed May 02, 2012 9:00 pm

Wherever Phil is, now he and Roger are sharing a smile together. We miss both of you.

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Registration date : 2007-11-24

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