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No Northwest Shootout

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No Northwest Shootout Empty No Northwest Shootout

Post by Guest Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:32 am

According to this article from today's Oregonian, the organizers could not find a title sponsor in time to hold the tournament. It's a shame because it was some great basketball to be played in the Chiles Center. We probably would have seen Ehlers playing I imagine.


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No Northwest Shootout Empty Re: No Northwest Shootout

Post by DoubleDipper Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:00 pm

RipCityPilot wrote:According to this article from today's Oregonian, the organizers could not find a title sponsor in time to hold the tournament. It's a shame because it was some great basketball to be played in the Chiles Center. We probably would have seen Ehlers playing I imagine.
Hmmmm! Is it too late for all the PilotNation lurkers and regulars to pool our resources to save the day?

(Although, that could be against the politics of some....)
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