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Interesting exchange on BigSoccer

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Interesting exchange on BigSoccer Empty Interesting exchange on BigSoccer

Post by Geezaldinho Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:37 pm

bmoline is Brian Moline, who reports for Illinois sports, paricularly women's soccer
huie17 is...well, you know...

07:07 PM #158
Re: 2011 Hot Seat and /or Getting Warm Seat
Rumor has it Lindsey huie's comin back to coach collegiately...sources cannot confirm where quite yet

Today, 07:27 PM #159

Re: 2011 Hot Seat and /or Getting Warm Seat
Originally Posted by huie17
Rumor has it Lindsey huie's comin back to coach collegiately...sources cannot confirm where quite yet
Well, that's probably the most reliable rumor ever to pop up on this thread. Someone is going to get a coach who knows a thing or two about turning possession into goals;-)

Today, 08:04 PM #160

Re: 2011 Hot Seat and /or Getting Warm Seat

Hahaha how do u know its so reliable?!
I'm poking around trying to find a good fit for me, my philosophy, n most importantly my family so we'll see what happens when the shuffle starts...i gotta say im west coast loyal but for the rt circumstances I may go elsewhere...

best of luck to her in her search.
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