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Miami Exhibition

Harry Redknapp
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Miami Exhibition - Page 2 Empty Re: Miami Exhibition

Post by GUPhantom Sat Aug 13, 2011 1:52 pm

Very Happy Agree on Kurle. She certainly displayed a very fearless, mature, self-confident game. One of those rare freshman who I think will hit the ground running at the D1 level. Mark her for my pre-season favorite for Frosh of the Year.

Rolling Eyes Agree with head coach Tom Anagnost on possession. It seemed that Miami did a better job keeping and maintaining possession. The Pilots ...maybe much due to the cycling of personnel...look to still be working on chemistry and cohesion. They looked more like a counter-attack team...but then again...we didn't finish what few chances they had after the 1st goal. Kudos to the Maimi keeper who made an awesome save and prevented our best chance for 2nd goal!

Question Who knows what the starting lineup will look like against FSU???? I trust the individual talent is there....but whoever makes the starting unit....I hope they iron out the learning curve of playing together pretty quick! That's sorta what I got out of the pre-seaon match last night. No doubt that FSU is a quality team that will test the Pilots right off the bat on opening night. I'm somewhat anxious that there's only 1 week to develop team chemistry. I'm not Bob Whitset, I guess! Rolling Eyes ...and we're not opening the season against a patsy!


Last edited by GUPhantom on Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:42 pm; edited 2 times in total
First man off the Bench
First man off the Bench

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Miami Exhibition - Page 2 Empty Re: Miami Exhibition

Post by PurplePrideTrumpet Sat Aug 13, 2011 2:36 pm

GUPhantom wrote: Very Happy Agree on Kurle. She certainly displayed a very fearless, mature, self-confident game. One of those rare freshman who I think will hit the ground running at the D1 level. Mark her for my pre-season favorite for Frosh of the Year.
One thing you could say about the team last year was they could get pushed around a little by physical teams. The toughness Kurle brings will be very helpful.


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Miami Exhibition - Page 2 Empty Re: Miami Exhibition

Post by Geezaldinho Sun Aug 14, 2011 6:47 pm

PSU and Miami also tied 1-1 today at Hillsboro stadium.

Then they had a shootout (first one of those i ever heard of in an exhibition..I guess its practice)

Miami won 5-4 in spot kicks.
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Miami Exhibition - Page 2 Empty Re: Miami Exhibition

Post by A_Fan Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:16 pm

It sounds like a good game, I wish I had been there.

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