Cloee back?
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Cloee back?
It seems there is a Colohan family blog, and the nefarious web spider intercepted it today with this.
we have two games this weekend saint mary's and san fran and I am really hoping to get into both for at least a little bit if my leg is better so everyone cross your fingers for me okay!!
Geezaldinho- Pilot Nation Legend
- Number of posts : 11838
Location : Hopefully, having a Malbec on the square in Cafayate, AR
Registration date : 2007-04-28
Re: Cloee back?
No link to the blog???
SoreKnees- First man off the Bench
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Re: Cloee back?
I respect the geez's ability to claim anonymous sources...
DaTruRochin- Administrator
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Re: Cloee back?
All you have to do is google the quote
Geezaldinho- Pilot Nation Legend
- Number of posts : 11838
Location : Hopefully, having a Malbec on the square in Cafayate, AR
Registration date : 2007-04-28
Re: Cloee back?
What a boost that would be...such a rock solid player. She is such an impressive player.
onetouchfutbol- All-American
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Re: Cloee back?
She did not play tonight; maybe she'll get a run out Sunday. Kassi did come on as a sub in the 2d half again. She looks in pretty good shape considering the way she completely ran over a Gael in the closing minutes. No idea why the referee gave a foul for that...
PurplePrideTrumpet- All-American
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Re: Cloee back?
PurplePrideTrumpet wrote:She did not play tonight; maybe she'll get a run out Sunday. Kassi did come on as a sub in the 2d half again. She looks in pretty good shape considering the way she completely ran over a Gael in the closing minutes. No idea why the referee gave a foul for that...
Don't MAKE me start a thread on opposition players diving....
Geezaldinho- Pilot Nation Legend
- Number of posts : 11838
Location : Hopefully, having a Malbec on the square in Cafayate, AR
Registration date : 2007-04-28
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