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Graham Hays weighs in..

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Graham Hays weighs in.. Empty Graham Hays weighs in..

Post by Geezaldinho Fri Aug 21, 2009 2:18 pm

his article today picks UNC as the odds on favorite to repeat, but he still has a spot for the Pilots.

Here's what he says:
But if you're looking for a team that could beat UNC on the Tar Heels' best day, look to Portland, which has patiently waited out three seasons of bad luck, bad timing and successive quarterfinal disappointments since winning its second championship. Megan Rapinoe is gone, but the Pilots' large contingent of U-20 World Cup players is back and gives coach Garrett Smith breathtaking offensive depth in front of potential All-American keeper Kelsey Davis.

He also has Enyeart as a favorite for the MAC-Herman.

Michelle Enyeart, Portland
Enyeart played fewer than 800 minutes last season, largely because of Under-20 World Cup obligations, and still totaled seven goals and seven assists. She's a pure finisher with 20-goal potential.

The full article is Here.
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Registration date : 2007-04-28

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