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News on the Gaels

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News on the Gaels Empty News on the Gaels

Post by cjacks14 Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:05 pm

Hey guys. its been a while since i've posted but i got to see St Marys play last night. They are on a tour down under and played against the mighty Wollongong Hawks (my local pro team) last night.

I think the Gaels may struggle this year. I think we all knew they were gonna lose a lot of firepower this year but after seeing them play they are nothing like last years team. They lose a big time scorer in Patty Mills, inside presence with Simpson and even some veteran minutes from guys like Carlin Hughes and Lucas Walker. I think St Marys will be relying heavily on their incoming freshman (who from what i have heard are also really good). I think teams will be able to focus on Samhan because they dont have the other big option and they dont have the penetrating guard like Mills. I just think losing that many pieces will be hard to overcome. I like McConnell but he definitely isnt Patty Mills and i dont think Ben Allen can fill the spot of Simpson. The depth on their bench got a lot shorter also.

Sorry to the few Gaels fans on here but if your freshman dont come up big this year i'd be a little worried.

Check out the link to the report/box score here http://www.nbl.com.au/default.aspx?s=newsdisplay&id=78399

After seeing both the Gaels and the Pilots preseason lets just say i'm pretty excited to be a Pilot Very Happy


Number of posts : 88
Location : Portland, OR
Registration date : 2009-02-22

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News on the Gaels Empty Re: News on the Gaels

Post by MesaPilot1 Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:25 am

Thanks for the report Chris. Smile


Number of posts : 1152
Registration date : 2007-04-28

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News on the Gaels Empty Re: News on the Gaels

Post by MJGoGaels Tue Aug 11, 2009 3:57 pm

The Gaels will definitely be grinding the gears as they find their form with 4 frosh, 3 redshirt freshman, 1 sophmore, and a transfer who is redshirting this season, so it will be incumbent to get some of the young guys to step up. Hunter, McConnell, Allen and Samhan will be a solid group, but CJacks14 is correct, in that we don't have the same spark and pop without Mills at the helm.

Thus, I very glad that SMC was able to play these 6 exhibition games because right now, T Williams, C Chiverton and C Steindl need alot of playing time to fit and contribute along with the four returning players mentioned above. Tre Anderson [redshirt frosh] dropping 12 points from off the bench was a nice surprise given that he is a walk-on player for the Gaels.

Number of posts : 46
Registration date : 2007-05-10

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