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Fan Forum Conference Call Tuesday

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Fan Forum Conference Call Tuesday - Page 2 Empty Re: Fan Forum Conference Call Tuesday

Post by eProf Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:50 pm

Stonehouse wrote:I don't have any specific details, but I heard that well over a hundred people called in.
I talked with Kelsey Davis earlier today. She said that the count was about 160. Not bad at all.
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Fan Forum Conference Call Tuesday - Page 2 Empty Re: Fan Forum Conference Call Tuesday

Post by onetouchfutbol Fri Apr 17, 2009 5:23 pm

eProf wrote:
Stonehouse wrote:I don't have any specific details, but I heard that well over a hundred people called in.
I talked with Kelsey Davis earlier today. She said that the count was about 160. Not bad at all.

That's just amazing. The battle for minutes on this team is going to be something else. You have to love the fact that there is no unanymous person who will be the top goal scorer, but, the team is clearly loaded.

Could someone with more spare time than me create some kind of a cool graph or list showing which teams have the most players with national team experience? If you go U-14 to U-23, we are right up there with anybody next year.

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