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9/14 Pilot Talk

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9/14 Pilot Talk Empty 9/14 Pilot Talk

Post by FANatic Fri Sep 14, 2007 10:17 am

Hello Everyone! I am a new member of PilotNation.

Should be an exciting week-end with the Nike Invitational...Both Kansas and Yale are winnable games and I expect a much improved team effort after some very serious practices this past week.

Hate being the bearer of bad news on my first post, however, here goes: I don't know why the Pilots are not talking about Rachael's injury. They must have their reasons and I will respect that. Suffice it to say, I have begun contemplating the various options Coach Smith has up front. I am thankful we have much depth and skill there, and it will open up opportunites for other players (Kendra, Natalie, Keelin, etc..).

On high school recruits at the FSU game: Courtney Verloo of Tualatin and Kendall Johnson of Lincoln were there, along with players from British Columbia, Utah and California. I saw five total recruits and believe they are all 2009 (juniors in high scholl) players. I don't know if the California player was Teresa Noyola, although she is a 2008
(senior) player. The Cal player was much smaller than the Utah player she was with, (long haired brunette), and I do know that Noyola is only 5'3". However, I don't remember her face, so I can't be certain either way.

I can say for certain that one public commit to U of P for 2008 is defensive-minded Kassandra (Kassie) McCluskie from Arizona. She is reputed to be a "Kari Evans" type player. (I love Kari's game!).

Number of posts : 1238
Age : 84
Location : Portland
Registration date : 2007-09-14

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9/14 Pilot Talk Empty Re: 9/14 Pilot Talk

Post by Geezaldinho Fri Sep 14, 2007 1:22 pm

Good stuff, FANatic
I hadn't heard that McClusky had done an oral commit, but that's great news. The pilots will be graduating defenders, and we'll need to reload.

Apparently, Kassandra McClusky is more than just your average Youth National Team player. Here's an article on fitness of Nike Premier 40 players that mentions some results:

Here's a couple other links for her:

And, Ah yes, UP is on her personal page.

Sounds like she'll be a great addition.
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Pilot Nation Legend

Number of posts : 11874
Location : Hopefully, having a Malbec on the square in Cafayate, AR
Registration date : 2007-04-28

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9/14 Pilot Talk Empty Re: 9/14 Pilot Talk

Post by FANatic Fri Sep 14, 2007 9:49 pm

Thanks for the links, Purplegeezer. Wow - I was stunned to see her SPARQ rankings. I agree we'll need to load up on defensive players after the current senior class moves on.

Number of posts : 1238
Age : 84
Location : Portland
Registration date : 2007-09-14

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