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NCAA disowns BCS

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NCAA disowns BCS Empty NCAA disowns BCS

Post by Geezaldinho Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:26 pm

In light of President Elect Obama's call for a playoff system for the BCS, I thought it interesting that today the NCAA put out a release that states that they don't have anything to do with deciding how the Bowls are run.

It's a bit disingenuous in light of the fact that the NCAA has everything else to do with College football, including allowing the original alignment of the BCS conferences (and Note Dame). It looks like a way to try and deflect responsibility.

Here's the link

What do you think?
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NCAA disowns BCS Empty Re: NCAA disowns BCS

Post by PurplePrideTrumpet Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:54 pm

So is it just coincidence the I-A* schools use the NCAA football rules? And why does the NCAA keep stats for I-A* schools?

Sounds like they just didn't like Obama calling it the "NCAA BCS." But these are NCAA member schools he's talking about.

*Sorry, "Football Bowl Subdivision." Rolling Eyes

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NCAA disowns BCS Empty Re: NCAA disowns BCS

Post by Auto Pilot Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:34 pm

It is indeed a disingenuous argument from the NCAA. Any authority for the BCS, FBS or any group acting in matters concerning NCAA afflialiated schools have at least the implicit authorization of the NCAA to act, with said acts being ratified by the NCAA'a failure to condemn or sanction any of the actions of said groups if they are wrong or in excess of the authority granted by the NCAA.

Finally the NCAA got called out by an extremely influential and popular president-elect Obama, and instead of issuing a press release saying they would at least look into the matter, they disavowed the authority and responsibility of the NCAA over Division I Football.

A bright light has been turned on the in room of cockroaches that act in the shadowy underbelly of college sports and they scrambled for the exits. I am sending David Plouffe a memo regarding the regional APR problem in women's soccer and see where that might get us. An executive order for the investigation shouldn't be that hard to get. In fact I live just twenty minutes away from where Ken Starr works. Ah, but he is the wrong party.
Auto Pilot
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