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Tickets for game 11/16

Trenchcoat Wally
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Tickets for game 11/16 Empty Tickets for game 11/16

Post by wyeast Sat Nov 15, 2008 6:05 pm

I went to ticketmaster to see if there were any tickets left for the game. Instead of saying it is sold out it says:

Tickets are currently not available online for one of the following reasons. Please check back for availability.

  • Tickets may not be on sale yet.

  • Tickets may not be available at this time. More tickets may become available later.

  • Tickets may not be available online just hours before an event occurs.

  • On rare occasions, tickets may only be available at ticket outlets or the box office



Number of posts : 27
Location : Between Portland & Mt Hood
Registration date : 2007-11-29

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Tickets for game 11/16 Empty Re: Tickets for game 11/16

Post by aleppiek Sat Nov 15, 2008 6:10 pm

I would check Craigslist... I saw 2 on there for $30

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Tickets for game 11/16 Empty Re: Tickets for game 11/16

Post by Auto Pilot Sat Nov 15, 2008 6:12 pm

If your game ends early enough you could always hang around the turnstiles "tickets tickets anybody got an extra ticket" thats what I would do. Maybe try to get a press pass from Jason Brough. Say you are from the "Daily Planet" or some press name. See the game from the press booth. Act like you are taking notes. Good Luck
Auto Pilot
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Tickets for game 11/16 Empty Re: Tickets for game 11/16

Post by Trenchcoat Wally Sat Nov 15, 2008 7:07 pm

Heck, I got into the 90 World Cup final in Rome for 100 bucks. Took me five minutes of zipping about the lot. If you get there early and work it, there should be tickets available. There were a number of ticket sellers on Friday night. I gave one of my extras at no charge to a Villian with a big 'P" painted on his chest. He deserved the free entry.
Trenchcoat Wally
Trenchcoat Wally
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Tickets for game 11/16 Empty Re: Tickets for game 11/16

Post by wyeast Sat Nov 15, 2008 8:31 pm

One of my teammates and I are just going to show up and try to find tickets.

If our game is at Mary Reike in SW at 10am, and beat feet to Merlo right after, we could be there at 1215. We'll just give it a shot.


Number of posts : 27
Location : Between Portland & Mt Hood
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Tickets for game 11/16 Empty Re: Tickets for game 11/16

Post by aleppiek Sat Nov 15, 2008 8:43 pm

wyeast... wish you the best of luck... should be a good day to be a pilot.

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Tickets for game 11/16 Empty Re: Tickets for game 11/16

Post by saebo98661 Sun Nov 16, 2008 9:01 am

What time does the box office open today?


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Tickets for game 11/16 Empty Re: Tickets for game 11/16

Post by Geezaldinho Sun Nov 16, 2008 9:15 am

Try here.

Box Office (503) 943-7525.
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Tickets for game 11/16 Empty Re: Tickets for game 11/16

Post by pms275 Sun Nov 16, 2008 10:02 am

The game isn't sold out, so you should be able to get tickets through the box office.
Bench Warmer
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Tickets for game 11/16 Empty Re: Tickets for game 11/16

Post by Stonehouse Sun Nov 16, 2008 10:48 am

Here's an official release from UP:


Tickets are still available, box office opens at 11:30, game is on live on Comcast 37.
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Tickets for game 11/16 Empty Re: Tickets for game 11/16

Post by Geezaldinho Sun Nov 16, 2008 10:59 am

Wow! They put a picture up of the view from the worst seat in the house.

Still looks great.

Tickets for game 11/16 Rp_primary_Merlo9472-420

Love the P
Pilot Nation Legend
Pilot Nation Legend

Number of posts : 11837
Location : Hopefully, having a Malbec on the square in Cafayate, AR
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Tickets for game 11/16 Empty Re: Tickets for game 11/16

Post by DaTruRochin Sun Nov 16, 2008 11:38 am

haha I sat up in that area for the game, other than the corner flag being cut off, great view... I'd say there really isn't a bad place to sit at merlo as long as you're there (You just have to truck in your own fur lined seat and canopy)

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Tickets for game 11/16 Empty Re: Tickets for game 11/16

Post by SoreKnees Sun Nov 16, 2008 11:59 am

Unless you're in the obstructed-view seats right next to the press box. I got stuck there (unknowingly) many years ago and was not very happy to miss 1/3 of the field.
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Tickets for game 11/16 Empty Re: Tickets for game 11/16

Post by WPS_Movement Sun Nov 16, 2008 12:29 pm

I would like to be able to watch this game. I live out of state, and am not able to see the game. I do not have the Comcast sportsnet northwest channel on DirecTV at home.

If someone could make a copy of this game on DVD or VHS, then that would be greatly appreciated. I would certainly pay for it, and it would be a more than fair profit for you as well to compensate for your time.

I am also interesed in seeing the UP vs. Northern Arizona game as well from a couple of days ago. I would gladly pay for a copy of that game as well... either DVD or VHS.

If you're interested in helping out, and talking about price compensation for the recording, then you can e-mail me at ... wpsmovement@yahoo.com

You can also reply to this thread as well.

Thank you. :-)

*note* - sorry about the post in multiple threads. I'm anxious to see UP in these games. Thank you.

Last edited by WPS_Movement on Sun Nov 16, 2008 9:19 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Tickets for game 11/16 Empty Re: Tickets for game 11/16

Post by mattywizz Sun Nov 16, 2008 5:13 pm

Best seat in the house--Pilot Club. Free dogs and Pokies.

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Tickets for game 11/16 Empty Re: Tickets for game 11/16

Post by wyeast Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:53 pm

Given the message that Ticketmaster gave me, I assumed that the game must have been sold out. So, one of my teammates had extra tickets which we took but they ended up being on the shaded side of that "obstructed Press Box" area. Augh. So since next to the student area was almost empty - we bailed to over there which was great as always. Stephanie Cox was there watching too.

Wonder what was up with Ticketmaster....


Number of posts : 27
Location : Between Portland & Mt Hood
Registration date : 2007-11-29

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