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UW tournament

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UW tournament Empty UW tournament

Post by Geezaldinho Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:47 pm

I'll be heading up to Seattle to see friends and watch the games. I'll report back what I see. There will be Gametracker, I'm unclear about whether there will be video feed ( I'll miss the brothers if there isn't). The reports won't come until I can get a wifi connection, so no promises on time.

Any one else going?
Pilot Nation Legend
Pilot Nation Legend

Number of posts : 11837
Location : Hopefully, having a Malbec on the square in Cafayate, AR
Registration date : 2007-04-28

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UW tournament Empty Re: UW tournament

Post by UPSoccerFanatic Tue Sep 02, 2008 6:29 pm

I'll be there, too.

Kennesaw State is 2-0-1d, with wins over Alabama A&M (8-0) and Jackson State, MS (3-0) and a tie with Davidson (1-1). They are the pick to win the Atlantic Sun Conference for the third year in a row. (They look like a good team to play for RPI purposes.)

Colgate is 1-2-0, with a win over Marist (1-0) and losses to Albany (1-2) and Fairfield (1-2). They are picked to come in third in the Patriot League.

It will be interesting to see if we stomp these teams or if the games are close.

Sunday, we'll probably also watch some of the UW game against Kennesaw State. I'm interested to see how the Huskies look this year.

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Location : Portland, Oregon
Registration date : 2007-10-31


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